Monday, October 15, 2007

Life as a Serbian folklore dancer

Yes, Serbian FOLKLORE dancing....

It was my life from age 4 to 18. Even if i wanted to quit I think my mom would have busted out the wooden spoon and whooped my butt. You can check out some dance uniforms here!

I won't lie though, I met my amazing Serbian friends through dancing and it also probably kept a lot of us out of trouble seeing as practice was on FRIDAY NIGHTS! Talk about a bummer! I remember "American" friends asking me to hang out Friday night and I never could because of practice!

Reasons folk dancing was awesome:

I met my best friends for life
* Keeps the kiddies out of trouble because dance groups are run through churches
* We wore awesome shoes called opanke that are made of pig skin!

A picture of my sexy Serbian folk dancers and best friends!

Come on, you know it's hot!

Birthday Tradition

Ok, we might have a few weird traditions...

I just celebrated my birthday on the 13th of October and something happened to me that happens every year no matter how old I am.

I wake up, go downstairs by my parents and grandma, and they do it. They pull my ears. Don't worry though, it's not a form of child abuse! It's tradition for the family to pull your ears up and wish you a happy birthday and that you grow to be a "big, big, girl!!" Writing about it really puts into perspective how ridiculous it is!

Serbian Pride!

Well, I am 100% Serbian and I come from the typical Serbian family. Yes, we will roast a pig in our backyard, have outlandish weddings, and make you try some of our moonshine that burns all the way down! (and out sometimes...yikes!)

My grandma lives with us at home and she still only knows about 30 words of English. I always had a problem when friends would call the house. My grandma or "baka" as we call her, would answer with "Halo?", then if I wasn't home the caller would get a stern "Dis Sandra NO HOME!" and CLICK.

If you have ever seen the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", it really sums up my foreign life quite well!

Foreigners Unite!

Hello everyone! I thought I'd create this blog to allow us foreigners to connect and just laugh about all the crap we go through in the wonderful U.S!